2025 Skater Crewneck Sweatshirt

2025 Skater Crewneck Sweatshirt

Whoah can we talk about how our population reached 8 billon !? Amazing how lives create different significant specs right? Each human with their own purpose on Earth. I chose the name 2025 for this piece base off the diversity in our world. My prediction for the year 2025; there will be a union of humans with their bronze skin and positive energy changing the world one day at a time, with little to no effort. The bronze on their skin is resilient, the bronze imbedded in their skin has a shield of protection, it protects against spurious energy. Bronze is durable and one of the most durable metals available to us. My belief is based of the togetherness I have witness within our world. Many of us understand it take a union to stand together and make our world a better place with effort, peace and dedication for our future generations. How have you impacted the world with your time spent here? The bronze in our 2025 Skater Crewneck Sweatshirts represents change, represents strength, represents comfort and beauty in each of our own individuality. We are living in a time of transition. Transitioning to a beautiful time that benefits all. 2025 piece reflects on all the great things in your life. The warm and soft material on your skin will remind you that comfort is needed, comfort is worthy, comfort is worn and comfort is within. Kindness is the real cool, Cool Kids LLC will continue to spread our positive brand in a fashionable way.
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